The Inpatient Abstracting module is designed to enable Health Information Management (HIM) personnel to enter and edit pertinent data in the easiest manner. Special features allow each facility to tailor data collection to meet its individual needs, while meeting the basic requirements of the Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI). The Health Information Management System allows the hospital to store more information than required by CIHI. Unlimited Diagnosis, Procedures, Patient Transfers and Projects are just a few of the many data elements that can be captured and stored. This provides the hospital with completely accurate and detailed abstracts.
Features of Discharge Abstract Database (DAD)
Profiling – The profiling feature allows the user to create “standard” case profiles that have consistent data, then select that profile to quickly code these cases. An example is Chemotherapy visits where provider, diagnostic and intervention codes rarely change.
Integrated CMG+ Grouper – Users can view records, in real time, to confirm the diagnostic and intervention codes have resulted in the correct group assignment.
Import DAD CIHI Errors – The DAD CIHI errors report can be imported into WinRecs to see the errors in the software and or generate a report so individual coders can correct their cases.
Intuitive Logic – The system enables or disables fields based on data input to ensure that unnecessary key strokes are eliminated.
Benefits of Discharge Abstract Database (DAD)
- Increased productivity
- Accurate analysis of length of stay and resource use indicators
- Data consistency amongst coders
- Ability to make/add Hospital Warnings and Errors to fields
- Error-free submissions to CIHI
- User Defined fields incudes 25 fields for each of the following data types: Date, Time, Lookup, Text, Notes and Numeric for internal use
- Partial word refined searches